Friday, May 4, 2012


I am completely packed and headed out to the airport in half an hour. Been keeping myself busy and awake to try to get the jump on this whole jetlag business.
Went to a midnight showing of The Avengers last night (awesome!) which helped to keep me up all night. My goal was to not sleep at all so that I would crash when I get on the plane in a couple hours, late at night by Sri Lankan time. I managed to stay awake almost all night, fell asleep for an hour around 6AM, but my mom and I were going on a walk at 7:30, so I didn't sleep for very long. I think I'm sufficiently tired to fall asleep on my flight and in the Toronto airport.

 Anyway, I want to give everyone a chance to ask any questions here in the comments section. The next time I update I'll answer them in my next post.
Example: "Are you excited to be using the rupee as your monetary unit because it is totally the best sounding currency on the planet"
Answer: Yes, absolutely. And I challenge you to find a currency that sounds cooler than 'rupee.' Except perhaps 'doubloon' but I'm pretty sure nobody uses those anymore.

 So comment with any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer all of them.



  1. What will you miss most about America (besides your friends and family)?!

  2. Do u have a snail mail address?
